Workshop-Registrierung – Interesse



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Fair, transparent and efficient: Shaping an ethical future for AI technologies.



The project Tensor Solutions aims to make the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) more transparent, comprehensible and efficient. With our trusted and explainable AI technology, we intend to meet the need for better verifiable of Machine Learning applications and simultaneously addresses the ethical concerns towards these technologies. Consequently, we aim not only to increase the acceptance of AI technologies in general but also to provide the best individual and comprehensible Machine Learning solution for each of our customers.



Fair, transparent and efficient: Shaping an ethical future for AI technologies.



The project Tensor Solutions aims to make the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) more transparent, comprehensible and efficient. With our trusted and explainable AI technology, we intend to meet the need for better verifiable of Machine Learning applications and simultaneously addresses the ethical concerns towards these technologies. Consequently, we aim not only to increase the acceptance of AI technologies in general but also to provide the best individual and comprehensible Machine Learning solution for each of our customers.
